gennaio 17, 2016

Pasta with borages, healthy and comfort food at the same time

Have you ever heard of borage vegetables? This veg, whose original name is borago officinalis, grows spontaneously here in some spots of Sicily in the winter […]
dicembre 19, 2015

Fresh pecorino cheese in batter, a real treat for your feasts!

Do you know what is “Primosale in pastella”? If you happened to read my blog before I am sure those two words are quite familiar. Primosale […]
ottobre 17, 2015

Sicilian Ragù: the classic seasoning for pasta and rotisserie

Do you know what “Ragù alla Siciliana” is? The term ragù comes originally from the French ragout and is basically a sauce with meat that is […]
settembre 19, 2015

Time for harvesting the “green gold”: it’s the Bronte’s pistachio!

A plant of Bronte’s pistachio – Photo by Giuseppe Di Bella Do you know why the pistachio nut cultivated in Bronte (province of Catania) is one […]
agosto 9, 2015

Ainsley Harriott’s Street Food in Palermo

Last year I was contacted by Channel Four to be part of this tv show which was shot in my city. In this episode, Chef and […]
luglio 15, 2015

In Mazara del Vallo the 3 days of the “Red Prawn!”

  The Red Prawn of Mazara, photo source: The prince of shellfish is going to be the protagonist of the next three days in Mazara […]
giugno 25, 2015

King prawns linguine paired with Mandrarossa Viognier

Do you know how to cook a delicious plate of “linguine with gamberi” in the Sicilian way? This is an exquisite dish if you love sea […]
giugno 13, 2015

Considerations on Sicily, food, work and mafia

 Who doesn’t like the movie “The Godfather”? Undoubtedly it’s a good movie. Some say even a masterpiece. But… it’s just a movie. Reality is different.   […]
maggio 25, 2015

Etna Coffee, Sicilian street food in London: it’s a YES for me!

Lately I have been caught up in the ‘British got talent’ tv show really badly, so… when yesterday I went to try the first Sicilian street […]
maggio 15, 2015

Andrea Lucchetta promotes Sicilian oranges at Expo Milan

Photo Source: Andrea Lucchetta (selfie) Yesterday there was an unusual yet brilliant promoter at the Expo’s Cluster Bio-Mediterranean stand in Milan. I am talking about volleyball […]
aprile 30, 2015

The basics of Sicilian cuisine: “la pastella” aka batter

Have you ever heard about cheese or veggies fried in “pastella”? One of the most basic preparation in our cuisine is the batter, that we call […]
marzo 29, 2015

Whitebait fritters paired with Mandrarossa pinot grigio

Have you ever tried those tiny newborn whitebaits fish called in Italian “neonata“? In the Bel Paese the fishing of whitebaits has been regulated by specific […]