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Sicilian food: 5 days dedicated to the last “monsù” of Palermo, at Palazzo Comitini

Affresco Sala Martorana

The exhibition


From January 27th to February 3rd in the stunning location of  Palazzo Gravina di Comitini, an eighteen-century palace, you will be able to visit an exhibition entitled MANI INNAMORATE (transl. enamored hands).

It is created and organized by entrepreneur Sabrina Gianforte and dedicated to the LAST MONSU’ of Palermo.


Who where the Monsù?

The Monsù (the name is a “sicilianisation” of the French Monsieur) in those ancient times of wealth and aristocracy, was the person who used to work at the service of a noble family and was in charge of the kitchen and everything related to food.

A grand MAESTRO of cuisine!

Thanks to an extraordinary work and research, Sabrina Gianforte published a book that represents a testament of the very last monsù Mario Lo Menzo, who used to work at the residence of the Earls Tasca D’Almerita.

Her book is a love story with food and history and features the most iconic Sicilian traditional recipes as he used to prepare them for his masters.



Few notes on the location: Palazzo Comitini



The historical residence owned by the Prince of Comitini, was built between 1768 and 1711 and is located in the heart of Palermo’s historical centre, in via Maqueda n. 100.


The place boasts marble staircase and sculptures, old Venetian mirrors, detailed frescos and trompe l’oeil painted on inside walls.


One of the main feature of the building is a sequence of halls and ball rooms aligned one another and among the many salons, the Sala Martorana stands out.


On the first floor there are also numerous oil paintings of well renowned Sicilian artists from Guttuso to Lo Jacono to Gianbecchina.

The residence is open to the public and there is no need of tickets.

It can be visited  from Monday to Friday normally from 10 to 12.
If interested here there is a more detailed link: Palazzo Comitini



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