Sicilian Summertime: an infographic!
giugno 27, 2020
3 Questions to Sicilian best selling author Alessandro D’Avenia
settembre 13, 2020
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Moltivolti, a lot more than a simple restaurant in town

Moltivolti is not just a place to eat in Palermo. It is a way of living and being open to other cultures, valuing diversity and making a difference believing that everyone can offer something and that a cultural exchange is always key to the development and growth of the society. It could not be any other way!

Their motto in fact is “My land is where I lay my feet.

This lovely and colorful venue, which opened in 2014 thanks to a group of friends coming from different walks of life, literally means “many faces” and is unique in the capital of Sicily (Palermo) because offers a variety of dishes from different cuisines worldwide: apart from the Sicilian you can also find dishes from Senegal and North Africa, from Greece and Afghanistan and of course middle east.

Delicious homemade baba ganoush and hummus (pic on the left), the cous cous or the Maffe’ (pic on the right), traditional senegalese recipe with beef served in a peanut butter sauce and accompanied with basmati rice, and a lot more!

Everything I tasted was exquisite, abundant and, you can tell, cooked with love and attention.

Located in the heart of the Ballaro’ famous open market, Moltivolti is also a co-working space where people can gather with their laptop just for a coffee and can work there.

Also aware of the situation around them, during the lockdown Moltivolti helped many families in the neighbourhood who were struggling in getting food everyday and helped them in distributing and donating meals.

From breakfast to dinner, you can go there in any moment of the day and feel that joy and embrace that is the true soul of this place. This is why at the beginning I stated that Moltivolti is not just a place to eat in Palermo.

It is a lot more than that and I hope it will be an example for others because I believe we need places like this, with such a stimulating and welcoming environment.

You can check their website here:

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