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Have you ever heard of the pistachios pesto from Bronte? The pistachios pesto is a Sicilian delicacy that can go with pasta as sauce combined with other ingredients, as well as on bruschettas, pizzas, and even second dishes. 

As Eastern Sicily is the land of pistachios there are many recipes that have this amazing colorful nut especially in the provinces of Catania and Siracusa. The quality of the Bronte’s nut, also called the green gold, is renowned worldwide and considered unique, if you woud like to read more about this amazing Sicilian product click HERE.

Few weeks ago my mum gave me some grounded pistachios because she knows how much I love it. She thought it to be used in a cake, as I love to bake especially in this period of the year when the cold starts kicking in.

It’s the November feeling, as I call it, that feeling that makes you wanna stay inside, all warm and cosy, that makes you wanna cook something special despite the laziness, while you watch a funny movie on tv.

And that is exactly what I did, but I didn’t bake a cake this time, I decided to go for the pesto instead, as I had never tried the homemade version before. And I have to say I made the right decision, as I was extremely happy with the result.

The recipe is incredibly easy to make and tastes fabulous!

Ingredients & Preparation for 4 people:

200 gr grounded pistachios from Bronte, Ct (or any others you have)
3 tbs grated Grana or Parmisan cheese
5 large leaves of fresh basil
30 gr pine nuts
1 clove of garlic (*Optional but I recommend it)
A pinch of salt & pepper
8 tbs e.v.o (extra virgin olive oil)

The preparation could not be simpler: put all the ingredients in the blender (or a mixer bowl) and start to drizzle in the olive oil until the mixture becomes smooth, creamy and oily.

Try to adjust with salt and pepper and if you think that the pesto is still too thick you can add some more olive oil and/or add a spoon of creamy cheese of your choice, like philadelphia or ricotta cheese to give it a more smoother creamier texture. Not too much though, as you don’t really want to ovepower the delicate pistachios taste. Everything needs to be balanced!


Please keep in mind that if you are going to use the pesto for your pasta sauce, you will also add some hot pasta water so definitely better to keep it a little more thicker than too watery. Here on the left you can see the right consistency.
Keep it in the fridge for not more than 3 days.

Sooo let’s go ladies and gents… what are you waiting for? Are you nut about the pistachio nut like me? If the answer is yes, you have to try this gorgeous recipe and let me know how it goes… in the meantime I am gonna toast some bread for my bruschetta 😉

To read some other recipes with this lovely Sicilian product click HERE.

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