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Andrea Lucchetta promotes Sicilian oranges at Expo Milan

Photo Source: Andrea Lucchetta (selfie)

Yesterday there was an unusual yet brilliant promoter at the Expo’s Cluster Bio-Mediterranean stand in Milan. I am talking about volleyball legend ANDREA LUCCHETTA, who talked to several groups of school kids about the amazing properties of the typical Sicilian red oranges called in our language: SANGUINELLE, which means bloody, because of their reddish color.
Photo Source: siciliafan

The particular color of this fruit is infact given by the famous “anthocyanins“, the powerful anti-oxidants, which are vital for our system and help prevent a lot of diseases. For this reason they are considered the best and healthiest quality of oranges.


They need warm days and cold nights to mature and reach the perfect level of nutrition and properties, that is why they grow essentially in the Eastern part of Sicily and especially on Mount Etna.

Thanks LUCKY for letting kids know about this amazing product which is one of the most famous and important symbol of Sicily.

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