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Marzipan sheep, the symbol of Easter in Sicily

Do you know what “Pecorelle di pasta reale” are? We call it sheep of marzipan, which is made of almond flour, and in our Christian culture they are the symbol of Easter in Sicily. In some parts of our island they fill the marzipan with a kind of preserve of nuts, especially pistaches, or citron marmelade, but you won’t find it in Palermo, where we use plain marzipan.

Sheep, in particular lambs, represent the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that during the Holy Week suffers and dies for Mankind and then, after 3 days, rises again on Easter sunday. 

We want to remember His sacrifice even at the table, with this little jewels of marzipan, made in proper molds or shapes of chalk, which are the result of faith and tradition.



  1. debra quartararo ha detto:

    Hi I'm trying to buy one of the moulds to make the easter sheep (like the one in the picture) but need to get it to Australia. Do you know where I can get one?

  2. Georgia C. ha detto:

    Dear Debra, I don't know where you live, of course here in Sicily you find them, but I guess you are not living any close…

  3. Anonymous ha detto:

    Did you ever find out if you could purchase the moulds in Australia?

  4. Georgia C. ha detto:

    For any of these queries send me a private email. Thank you

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