Do you know how to cook a tasty cauliflower pie? In Sicilian cuisine we use a lot this vegetable. We like to put it especially on pasta, we even have three different kinds, but in my family we also prepare it in a very simple way for dinner.
Ingredients and preparation: 1 cauliflower (medium size) – 2 eggs – breadcrumbs – 100 gr. grated caciocavallo cheese – salt – black pepper – 60 gr. salami (the original recipe is without but sometimes we add it)
1. Cut the cauliflower in pieces removing the hardest part and soak it in water with half a teaspoon of baking soda that will help cleaning it well and eliminating possible bugs. After 10 or 15 minutes wash it under running water and put the pieces in a colander.
2. In the meantime put a casserole with water on a medium heat, when it starts boiling add salt and toss the cauliflower in the pot. As soon as the vegetable is cooked (must be soft) drain it and let it cool for some minute.

3. Preheat the oven at 180° C.
4. Take a large bowl and put almost all the ingredients together: cauliflower, eggs, cheese, salami if liked (cut in pieces) and some black pepper. 5.When the mixture looks creamy and well mixed, place it on a pie dish or a baking tray for the oven.
6. You can either spread it quite thin or thicker if you prefer. Sprinkle on top some breadcrumbs with small knobs of butter to make the top a bit crispy.
7. When the oven has reached the right temperature cook the pie for about 20 minutes, until it becomes kind of golden brown.
8. Place it on a serving dish and enjoy when it’s still hot! Very nice if you accompany it with a tomato salads dish.
It’s really good and if you leave out the salami (which is optional) you have a great dish for vegeterians too. So enjoy!
Wow, I wouldn't have associated Cauliflower with Sicilian cookery, I guess because it isn't what i would consider a Mediterranean vegetable. This sounds delicious though!
Thank you Sam, we grow cauliflower in Sicily and it is actually one of the most used vegetables in Sicily during winter times.
Here you may find another recipe as a side dish, but soon I will put pasta as well 🙂